C. Myles Young Rock Church Sacramento,CA E Group NO LIMITS Apostolic Preaching WPF

Musings of the Minstrel

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Matt Tuttle / Sept Surge

Tomorrow, Sept 12 is a HUGE day for all of us here at TRC! We are all talking about "September Surge". Our first speaker is Evangelist/Missionary Matt Tuttle. This will be the last place he will be preaching at before he heads back to Holland where he will be working for the next year! I am personally thrilled to have him coming to be with us. He is one of the finest preachers you will ever hear. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is evident as well as is his burden to bring people into the presence of God.

Service Times:
10 am
6:30 pm

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Happy Labor day everyone! I hope that your day is filled with fun and lots of memories with your friends and family. In these crazy times we live in, our friends and family should mean more to us than ever before. Thank God for days like today!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


"September Surge" begins Sept 12 at 10:00 am. Due to a Holy Ghost out break in Mississippi Brother Wesley Jackson will not be able to be our speaker but Bro Matt Tuttle will be with us on the 12th for the "covering service". Evangelist Cody Marks will be preaching on the 14th. Evangelist P.J. White will begin extended services the following Sunday. You do not want to miss any of these revival services. There is a Holy Ghost wave coming to Elk Grove. GET READY FOR REVIVAL!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Summer is over and it is time to have revival! TRC will be starting special services with Evangelist Wesley Jackson September 12! We are calling this revival "September Surge". We believe that we will witness the greatest harvest of souls in the history of our church. There is a new wave of excitement with outreach and bible studies that has me pumped up this afternoon. Last night we had over 85 people had a bible study expo type mtg with Sterling Busby. It was fantastic as new people are stepping up to teach personal bible studies. Shout out to our special friend Pastor Shane Golden (Fairfield, Ca) who is helping us so much in this area.

If you are in the Sacramento area, you need to come be with us during this special time. God is doing some incredible things.