C. Myles Young Rock Church Sacramento,CA E Group NO LIMITS Apostolic Preaching WPF

Musings of the Minstrel

Friday, November 14, 2008


Pastor C. Myles Young and Roberto Guiterrez - www.mylesyoung.com
Pastor C. Myles Young and Roberto Guiterrez

These received the Holy Ghost  - www.mylesyoung.com
These received the Holy Ghost tonight!

Baptism in Jesus Name - www.mylesyoung.com
Recieving the Holy Ghost in canal! - www.mylesyoung.com
Recieving the Holy Ghost in canal!

Dr Paul Baumeister with new converts baptized and full of the Holy Ghost! - www.mylesyoung.com
Baptized & full of the Holy Ghost!

Receiving the Holy Ghost - www.mylesyoung.comReceiving the Holy Ghost in the kitchen!

Bible study - www.mylesyoung.comAn Apostolic Bible study

We just got back to the room and grabbed some of the universe's best "carne asada" tacos. What a way to end a very busy day. Let me re-cap for you what took place today.
We began by meeting a couple and a teen-ager to teach them about baptism. We then counseled with a man who said he was struggling with his christian faith. We discovered that he had never been baptized nor had he received the Holy Ghost, so we taught him a Bible study on baptism. I looked across the table at him and said "You can receive it right now". He got up and raised his hands and started weeping. Dr. Baumeister laid his hands on him and in a few moments he was speaking in other tongues.
We then met with 3 pastors, and discussed the future for providing training for them. This meeting went well. One of those Pastors, we believe will play a significant role in this area for winning souls to Christ.
We then loaded up in pick-up trucks and headed out to find a place to baptize this couple and the man who received the Holy Ghost. Out side of town in a farming community we found a irrigation canal and baptized these folks in Jesus Name. With cars, truck, and buses (even a horse) moving by we had a little church by the canal. The young lady from the Bible study recieved the Holy Ghost in the canal as she came up out of the water. It was off the hook.... it will forever be one of my cherished memories.

We raced back to the hotel, changed clothes and went to church. We saw God fill 10 more people with the Holy Ghost tonight.

I wish all of you that are reading this could have been here today to see the increase of God's government in the present. Pray for Delicias, Mexico. There is a real need here for leadership because there is a revival beginning here that could be huge.

I want to give a big shout out to Hermano Jorge Vasquez, whose team sponsored this revival. "Te Amo, Jorge, muchas gracias"

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