C. Myles Young Rock Church Sacramento,CA E Group NO LIMITS Apostolic Preaching WPF

Musings of the Minstrel

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Youth on Mission

Here is a quick peek at the Saturday


Youth on Mission

Here are some more pics from the outreach effort.  
These young people were rollin'!!!!!

Youth on Mission

Youth on Mission

Here is a picture of part of the team of young people that hit the streets on Saturday.  They did a great job.  As a result of the young people's efforts there were several people that came to the crusade on Saturday Night.  One of the young men had one flier left and started not to pass it out as it was time to leave but decided to try one more time.  He approached a man and introduced himself and invited him to the crusade. A few hours later the man walked through the doors and was in the altar and was placed into a Bible study.  Thank God.

I am excited to report that 9 people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost during the Youth on Mission Crusade.  If you were unable to participate then start making plans to be a part of the YOM to Chicago in August.  Thank God for young people who are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Youth on Mission

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Youth on Mission

Young man slain in the Holy Ghost

Praying over the outreach material

Evangelist Cody Marks preaching kick-off service

Young men praying together

         Youth on Mission Director for Oakland
 (Ryan Caputo)

Tonight was an incredible kick off of the first ever WPF "Youth on Mission"(Oakland, Ca).  We had a wonderful service of rousing worship and a very deep convicting message on "Prayer"(Evangelist Cody Marks).  There was a very deep spirit of travail that erupted at the close of Bro Marks sermon.  Thank you Bro Marks for speaking to our young people.  This was the kick off service for the YOM.  Tomorrow is going to be a big evangelism campaign and a crusade service tomorrow night.  Let me give a big shout out to those churches who had young people participating:
- Cotati, Ca (Pastor Sam Howard)
- Brentwood, Ca (Pastor Joel Bryant)
- Oakland, Ca (Bishop Curtis Young)
- Sacramento, Ca (some dude from La.)

It was a great opening for this exciting weekend.

Say a prayer for all of the young people who will be hitting the streets of Oakland tomorrow.  I am sure that most of you are well aware of the events that have had a very negative impact in this city.  Oakland is in serious need for a Savior.  The combined efforts of these Holy Ghost filled young people is going to have an impact upon this city. Say a prayer on our behalf.

Lets take the Bay for the name of Jesus!