C. Myles Young Rock Church Sacramento,CA E Group NO LIMITS Apostolic Preaching WPF

Musings of the Minstrel

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Preaching in Lake Charles, La

Hey y'all, I am back in the land of my ancestors. Cajun Country!

I am preaching tomorrow in Lake Charles, La for Pastor Rick Treece (Apostolic Temple). It has been a long time since I have been in the pelican state. I felt a little nostalgia set in when I crossed the Sabine River and entered La. after flying into Houston. I am just sitting here thinking about how life unfolds. 22 years ago I moved to Lake Charles as a student of McNeese State University. So much of my life has changed since that Sunday afternoon. I went back down memory lane today as I drove down the streets that I use to cruise as an 18/19 year old teenager trying to find direction for my life. I had no idea where the road I would travel would take me. I came to this city with so many questions, so many dreams and so little wisdom, but God was my help. I am reminded of how Job said "He knows the way that I take". Even though I could not see His plan, God was working my life into position to accomplish his purpose. How many turns have led me back to this city, on this weekend, to preach to God's body?

In the words of one of my favorite Gospel singers (Marvin Sapp) "Never would have made it....without you". So, while my thoughts and emotions are buzzing with memory, God can I just say "Thanks, for all you have done for me".

(Maybe its just the boiled crawfish I just ate that is making me a little mushy tonight....)

Geaux Cowboys!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Mark your calendar, July 22-24
PEAK Conference 09 Tulsa, OK - www.mylesyoung.com
It will be at " SPIRIT ARENA" Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Headquarters hotel: Renaissance

You don't want to miss it.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Revival in the Everglades

Ministers at Mid-Winter Conference - www.mylesyoung.com
Mid-Winter Conference - www.mylesyoung.com

I have just returned from the beautiful state of Florida where I had the privilege of preaching the "Mid-Winter Conference" of the Apostolic Churches of Jesus Christ. It was a great time of fellowship and preaching. This was a brand new venture for me as I had never been to "Bellglade, Florida", I really had a great time. Under the direction of Senior Pastor Feld there is a tremendous revival taking place in Florida. This conference is an annual event for the "affiliate" churches of the ACJC. These pastors and saints gathered for 3 nights of power-packed worship and preaching and God truly visited with us. These men are doing some incredible things for God. Special thanks goes to my friend Nathaniel Urshan from Fort Myers, Florida for the invitation to minister to the ACJC. Pastor Urshan will be speaking at NO LIMITS. I am sure you will all be blessed by his unique ministry.

To all of my new brothers and sisters in the "Glades" I love you and can't wait to see the completion of your new headquarters church. Keep the faith and don't ever doubt!

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Real Time Relationships

The Holidays at the Wilsons - www.mylesyoung.comSome time back I wrote concerning the importance of friends. I look at the changing world around us and I am noticing a growth of pseudo-relationships. Web-sites such as Facebook, My Space, etc. have tremendous potential for info exchange and connectivity but we are all aware of some of the dangers that lurk in such environments. One of the dangers that I see with our technological connectivity (as I write on a blog-lol) is the loss of real relationships while pursuing a relationship via the web. Let me explain. I have counseled wives and mothers who are frustrated with the lack of involvement of their husbands in their family life but these men are consumed with the internet. When I have spoken with these men they have expressed the fulfillment they get from communicating with old pals or game-players on the web. For these men this is a type of relationship. This phenomenon is certainly not limited to men, for I have dealt with wives and children with the same issues. This is substitutionary relationship. Substituting a real time relationship for a temporary, technological pseudo-relationship. Before you rush to your next forum debate or to check your latest visit on your blog take the time to ask yourself, "How are my real-time relationships".
That is one of the things that I love about the holidays. Holidays provide the opportunity to spend extended time with those we love.
My family celebrated the New Year with a whole host of people but one moment stands out in particular. On New Year's Eve I heard the sound of a piano playing so I made my way toward the music room and heard Bobbi Shoemake begin to sing. Sitting beside her was the "Lady of Southern Gospel", Priscilla McGruder and her "twin" sister, Mary Wilson. I couldn't help but join in the song and before it was over, we had a choir; Jimmy Shoemake, Nancy Holsten, Carroll McGruder, Nate Wilson, and even Jon and Tasha joined in (well Jon didn't sing-he was working on his black-berry-JK). As Bobbi played, memories flooded through my mind of being a child and hearing those old Dottie Rambo songs and my heart was moved with joy at hearing those old hymns from the past. We didn't just sing them, we told the stories about the songs.
After it was all over and Jon and Tasha, Bobby and Jimmy, Carroll and Priscilla, Brian and Nancy and the others had gone home, I thought, "These are the moments in life that you never forget". My family and I experienced real living, breathing relationships that have history, love, conquest and even sorrow. So, this year I am going to close the lap top more often and live out more real relationships in real time. After all, isn't life supposed to be lived and not typed.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2009 - www.mylesyoung.com

I can hardly believe that it is 2009, but I am kind of glad that 08 is over and done with. I believe that this year is going to be a great year. I had someone ask me "How can you say that? Look around you...." Here is my response. I know that the world has gone crazy (or so it seems). I know that every newspaper and media stream in America is loading us down with negativity. I know that sin is abounding. I know that the sea of life is quite rough right now. I know that these are the facts, but I refuse to "face the facts".... in 2009 I am choosing to "FAITH THE FACTS".
I am saved
I have a wonderful family
I have a great church
I have lovely friends
So there....
I am going to put my "faith-specs" on and look for opportunities for Jesus to show off this year. There is no telling what He is going to do .... and I want to be right, smack-dab, in the middle of it.

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