C. Myles Young Rock Church Sacramento,CA E Group NO LIMITS Apostolic Preaching WPF

Musings of the Minstrel

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Summit - Spokane, Washington

Spokane, Washington - www.mylesyoung.com
I wanted to give a big shout out to all of you from the Northwest. I am in Spokane, Washington at the annual "Summit Conference" hosted by Pastor Rick Mayo. It is sure to be a great time. It begins tonight with Bradley Smith and Jason Dillon preaching. Tomorrow is Jon Shoemake and Donald Lance. Friday night is Cody Marks and Saturday is Mark King, Franco Platonia and yours truly.
Send up some prayer cover for all of us. If you are in the area, make the effort to get to Summit, it is going to be packed with power.
To the saints of Cornerstone, thanks for your hospitality.

It is time for a Revivalution!

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Oakland Tabernacle

Bishop Curtis and Sis Young - www.mylesyoung.comOakland California - www.mylesyoung.comTonight is an exciting night for Sheila and me. We are participating in the first night of the dedication of Oakland Tabernacle. This is the fulfillment of a dream that began several years ago. My father and mother are pastoring Oakland and have done a tremendous job of remodeling the building. It is a beautiful testimony of blessing and the hard work of the saints at Oakland Tabernacle. Tonight, Bishop Wilson is speaking and tomorrow I will be ministering in "OakTown". I am excited! These folks really know how to worship. Like we used to say, "If you can't preach in Oakland, you may as well quit trying".

To all of the saints in Oakland, I am so proud of what you have done and how God is blessing you. This is a great celebration.

Dad and Mom, you simply amaze me! I don't know how you do it. You just keep moving the bar higher and higher!

Let's take the Bay for Jesus!

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Thursday, March 19, 2009


Time in Prayer - www.mylesyoung.com Many of you have wondered about the song that is looping on my blog. It is one of my all time favorites by my favorite group, Commissioned! Boy were those the days! They were cutting edge and I would listen to their projects for hours. This particular song was not one of their big hits, in fact most don't remember it. It was released in the closing moments of this group. I will never forget the first time I heard this song. I was driving down the 5 through Los Angeles , I stuck in this cd and began to listen. When this song came on, I kept playing it over and over and tears began to roll down my face. I was just beginning to experience some blessing and promotion in my music and ministry. Everything was clicking and I was living in the overflow. This song confronted me to my core. I had to pull over because the tears just kept coming. It was one of those forever moments. Now, so many years later, this song still pulls at my heart as a deep reminder that in the midst of my success and accomplishments that Jesus is still in love with me and wants to spend time with me. This thing called Christianity is a relationship. He longs to spend time with us and show us His love. Maybe this song can touch that spot in your soul and woo you back to a little time with the lover of your soul.

Be blessed!

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Monday, March 9, 2009


No Limits 09 - www.mylesyoung.com
Man, I am exhausted! NO LIMITS 09 has come and gone but will live forever in our hearts and memories. It was a great time of fellowship and God visiting with us. Every speaker did an outstanding job. There was a very common thread throughout the conference that God was trying to get us to expand and change the way we think. It is time to increase our faith and really believe that God can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or even think. In spite of the terrible circumstances that are re-shaping our world, there is a great revival in the church and a tremendous harvest to be reached. To all of you that were here with us, thank you for coming. To our speakers thank you for lending your anointing for at least a little while, we are forever indebted to you.

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