Musings of the Minstrel
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Matt Tuttle / Sept Surge

Tomorrow, Sept 12 is a HUGE day for all of us here at TRC! We are all talking about "September Surge". Our first speaker is Evangelist/Missionary Matt Tuttle. This will be the last place he will be preaching at before he heads back to Holland where he will be working for the next year! I am personally thrilled to have him coming to be with us. He is one of the finest preachers you will ever hear. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is evident as well as is his burden to bring people into the presence of God.
Service Times:
10 am
6:30 pm
posted by Myles Young at
1:33 PM
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day
Happy Labor day everyone! I hope that your day is filled with fun and lots of memories with your friends and family. In these crazy times we live in, our friends and family should mean more to us than ever before. Thank God for days like today!
posted by Myles Young at
11:42 AM
Sunday, September 5, 2010
"September Surge" begins Sept 12 at 10:00 am. Due to a Holy Ghost out break in Mississippi Brother Wesley Jackson will not be able to be our speaker but Bro Matt Tuttle will be with us on the 12th for the "covering service". Evangelist Cody Marks will be preaching on the 14th. Evangelist P.J. White will begin extended services the following Sunday. You do not want to miss any of these revival services. There is a Holy Ghost wave coming to Elk Grove. GET READY FOR REVIVAL!
posted by Myles Young at
9:29 PM
Friday, September 3, 2010
Summer is over and it is time to have revival! TRC will be starting special services with Evangelist Wesley Jackson September 12! We are calling this revival "September Surge". We believe that we will witness the greatest harvest of souls in the history of our church. There is a new wave of excitement with outreach and bible studies that has me pumped up this afternoon. Last night we had over 85 people had a bible study expo type mtg with Sterling Busby. It was fantastic as new people are stepping up to teach personal bible studies. Shout out to our special friend Pastor Shane Golden (Fairfield, Ca) who is helping us so much in this area.
If you are in the Sacramento area, you need to come be with us during this special time. God is doing some incredible things.
posted by Myles Young at
2:32 PM
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Link to PEAK 2010 Holy Ghost Radio
posted by Myles Young at
5:18 PM
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Bosko International - Bosko Coffee Club
Been a while but I have stumbled back across the blog spot surface from the land of Twitter. To you that have been regular followers of my blog, I apologize as I have found Twitter a quicker and less stressful way of communicating but I will be frequenting my blog more often than of late.
This week we officially launch "Bosko International". This is a very cool way to get involved in making a difference around the world.
The "Bosko Coffee Club" launches July 22. Honduran high grown coffee can be shipped to you on a monthly basis.
Bosko International is also beginning the "DRIP" revolution. Do Right It Pays!
You will be hearing more about what Bosko is doing to make a difference in the lives of orphans, missionaries and how you can help with "addict recovery".
This is a busy, exciting time for me and my family.
Those of you that will be in Tulsa at
PEAK 2010 stop by the
Hope Corps booth and find out more.
Join the revolution!
Labels: bosko coffee, bosko international, c myles young, Cody Marks, honduras, hope corps, nathaniel wilson, peak 2010, steven buxton, the rock church, tim pixler, Tulsa, wwpf
posted by Myles Young at
8:13 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Ministry Update

Shame on me! Where I have I been? It has been too long. I apologize to all of you that may have been frustrated by my lack of blogging. What can I say....uh ... Sorry. I hope all has been well with you and yours. This has been a very busy spring season for me and blogging has not been very high on the "to do list", but maybe we can get this thing stirred up a little bit more.
As to what is coming up with our ministry;
This week I will be at the Mid-America Youth Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas. I am pumped about getting to be with all of you from that area. Pastors Joel & Nathan Holmes have done an incredible work for God in North Little Roc
k. I thrilled to be part of the live recording on Friday night and then preaching on Sunday. I am honored. If you are in the area, come help us have a Holy Ghost party.
Boston and I will be in beautiful Belize, April 26-May 1 with missionary Tim Joiner and the first "Hope Corps" team. It is going to be a great time of work, training and fellowship. This is a historical event. There will never be another "first team" of the Hope Corps.
Shout out to my team-mates: Johnny King, B J Wilmoth, Steve Buxton, Rick Treece, Guy Godwin. What started only as a dream has now become a reality. It is going to be awesome.
See ya in Belize!
posted by Myles Young at
8:21 AM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
To all my friends in "Blog-ville", get ready for "No Limits 2010". The dates are March 3-5. I hope that all of you will come and join with us. There is a special feeling in the atmosphere already and we are still 2 weeks away...I am pumped! This years speaker lineup is unique and exiting.
Wed Night:Bishop N J Wilson
Thursday: Steve Allard & Daniel McKillop
Thursday PM: Tony Spell & "yours truly"
Friday: Bishop Curtis Young & Cody Marks
Friday PM: Nathaniel Urshan
We will also be broadcasting on Holy Ghost radio as well as streaming live from our church web-site. One way or another join with us. The theme this year is "ALL TOGETHER NOW". God is calling us to unite for His divine purpose, it is going to be a wonderful time of worship, preaching, celebration, prayer and fellowship.
posted by Myles Young at
9:12 AM
Monday, February 8, 2010
Monday Morning Musings
As I watch the sunrise on this Monday morning, my heart is filled with gratitude for what God did last night! The power of the Holy Spirit rained down upon us in mighty way. I don't know if I have ever been in a service quite like last night. What made last night's service unique was the way that God used particular people from the congregation to minister to the body. There was a divine "breakthrough" as men & women begin to speak & testify of what God was doing in their lives. There were miraculous things that happened before the service ended and many were filled with the Holy Ghost.
An anointed saint of God is a powerful force against the enemy! I guess what I am trying to say is...I LOVE THE CHURCH!
To all of you Saints of God...Thank you for who you are and what you mean to the body!
posted by Myles Young at
7:51 AM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm back! Sorry its been so long! Here is my first post of the New Year! (I am doing a little better on my twitter).
I am sitting in my regular spot with my soy latte (sugar-free of course) when I open a new email from an Indian friend of mine. As I am reading, I almost drop my latte and start running and screaming "hallelujah" through the coffee-shop (at least it would cover up the terrible music- lol). My friend Kal, just sent me pictures of an incredible revival that is happening in India. Thousands are being baptized in the name of Jesus and are receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit! My soul has been blessed this morning and I had to tell the world.
I know many of you have and are going through difficulties and circumstances that try your faith but let me remind you... God is not having difficulty!
He is working His plan in the earth at this very moment! He never wrings His hands in worry or frustration. He is God! Enough said!
No matter what you are facing, God is still God! He never stops being God! While we may not understand our present circumstance we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord!
A revival report that comes in the midst of the fight is a source of strength. Take heart, you are not forgotten. You are in the middle of God's plan for the earth. Throw your hands up in surrender and say "God, I am yours" and let God work it out.
Man, I am excited this morning!
posted by Myles Young at
8:56 AM
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last night was a very special night at TRC. It was a night of communion and footwashing. Personally, I look forward to these nights as there always seems to be a uniqueness to these services that touches me deeply. There is a unity takes place that is so important. I watched as brothers knelt at the feet of another brother with tears rolling down their faces as they prayed for one another and committed to serve one another and my heart was filled with an overwhelming sense of love for the body of Christ.
The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church concerning the Lord's Supper. Evidently the secular culture of Corinth had begun to pull at the foundation of the church and the caste system of the carnal community had brought division to the body. The wealthy class of the church had begun to gather earlier than the working/poor class and had mingled the Lord's supper with "dinner on the ground" (maybe the first pot-luck church dinners-lol). They had divide themselves according to "the haves" and "the have nots". The communion service had simply become a ritual of remembrance. It was almost like a "toast" to a great hero of the past but they had lost the real purpose of the communion service.
Paul informed them that even though they claimed it to be a spiritual gathering it was not making them better but rather they were gathering and making themselves worse. The point was to recognize that the work of Christ's death was to produce a church (the body) that would accomplish his mission. He said that we are to look back to his death until he come. Notice the past, present and future of communion.
The Past.
We look back to his death and ask the questions: How he died? Why he died? For Whom did he die?
The Present.
As we take the elements of communion we are to look around and recognize that Christ died to produce this group of people that we are communing with. The good, the bad, the ugly, the rich, the poor...we are all part of this body. (Corinth had missed this part)
The Future.
Till he comes. Our Lord is coming again and we have been given the responsibility of the great Commission. That brother or sister standing next to you is part of the team that God has brought together by his death, burial and resurrection.
So, as we commune we look back, we look around and we look to the future and recommit ourselves to Christ, to one another and to a lost and dying world.
Thank God for the Body of Christ!
Labels: baptism class, body of christ, communion, corinthian, footwashing, future, lords supper, past, poor, present, trc, wealthy, working
posted by Myles Young at
1:19 PM
Monday, December 21, 2009
Pardon me for interrupting your holiday internet browsing again but I just wanted to post a little note for a couple of frustrated visitors to my blog.
Don't get frustrated that I don't post all of the comments that you provide in response to my postings. My blog is not a forum. I do enjoy reading what you send even if I don't post it all (Even if we don't agree). I am honored that you take the time to even visit.
God bless everyone,
Merry Christmas
posted by Myles Young at
12:12 PM

Christmas has begun! I am so pumped! This is my favorite time of year. Family, friends, food, singing, parties, unique church services, candles, presents and and a whole lot of fun. This year we are fulfilling one of Sheila and London's life-long dreams...We are going to Disneyland for Christmas. It is going to be crazy fun at the "Happiest Place on Earth" with all the grandkids. (Pray for us parents).
Mom & Dad, Paul & Marlys, Monte & is going to be a blast.
To all of my friends I hope this is the best Christmas ever. I know for so many of you 2009 has been a very difficult year...but guess what...your still here!
God is not through with you yet! 2010 is coming! Let's agree that it will be a year of breakthrough for all of us.
I love you all
Labels: c myles young, Christmas, disneyland, southern california
posted by Myles Young at
11:59 AM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Inspiration on the Web

Hopefully we are all aware of the dangers that are on the internet, but lately I have been inspired by a couple of things on it. A while back someone recommended that I start following Missionary J B Lambeth on twitter. I am not much into the whole twitter ..."I am going to the store now" mentality but I am interested in what ministry trends and ideas are so I took the advice. I do not know J B Lambeth but let me say, his tweets and his blog have become a real source of inspiration and even conviction over the last 2 or 3 months. If you want to wake up each morning with a little spiritual nudge to go with your regular dose of Java then join those of us who are followers of The man has a definite burden for Brazil. Some day I hope to meet him.
Baumeister & Coskun have recently launched this apostolic news site that I regularly check up with. I understand they are looking for reporters and writers. Hearing a lot of good things about this particular website and even some cool things for the future. Going to be exciting! Shout out to Baumeister & Coskun!
Labels: apostolic news, aydin coskun, Dr Paul Baumeister, inspiration, internet, missionary,
posted by Myles Young at
10:40 AM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
TO TRY MEN'S SOULS - C Myles Young

So what have you been reading? They say (whoever they are) that we will be the same people 10 years from now that we are today except for the people we meet, the places we go and the books we read. People, places and books change us! I love to read and as a result I come across some pretty interesting books but ever once in a while there is a book that knocks my socks off. The latest one to do this to me is "To Try Men's Souls" by Newt Gingrich. Yes, the very same political figure with strong opinions. I don't know a whole lot about his political agenda but I will tell you, the man can "sho nuff" write a good historical novel. I was so impressed by this book. He tells the incredible story of the Battle of Trenton through the eyes of George Washington, Thomas Paine and a fictitious young boy caught in the storm of the American Revolution. This book moved me to tears at one point. I could not put it down. The Battle of Trenton was a strategic struggle in the fight for independence, but sadly few of our citizen's have ever even heard the story. I highly recommend this book, especially right now in this Holiday season. The Battle of Trenton took place on that cold December 25th, morning of 1776. As you read this novel you will inspired to take a stand as Gingrich moves his characters through the long wintery night of struggle and pain toward that great hope of liberty. If you are looking to give someone a gift that will be a blessing, then go pick up "To Try Men's Souls".
Happy reading and Merry Christmas!
Labels: American Revolution, battle of trenton, george washington, mens souls, newt gingrich, reading, thomas paine
posted by Myles Young at
3:45 PM
Monday, December 7, 2009
What They See Is What They Get!

We are living in a unique age. We are called to spread the gospel to new generation. Sadly some are pounding the pulpit and railing against what they believe is a generation that is hopeless. I will admit that ministry to this post-modern generation can be frustrating and at the very least challenging, but I do not believe it is hopeless. I would like to go on record and say "This generation can be reached". I know, the "en-vogue" thing for a 41 year old preacher at this point in the post is to attack organized religion and point out all the warts and blemishes of particular church movements and their traditional services. Before you get worried that I am rushing to buy a pottery wheel and candles for my acoustic alchemy worship set, relax, I am not going there! lol... But I do wonder if some of what is being preached is being drowned out by what this generation sees in the lives of Apostolics?
In too many cases what is being said is not being matched by what is being displayed. Remember this is a "visual" generation. This description is not just a statement about video screens and strobe lights added for effect in some kind of optical worship experience. This generation "sees" first, rather than listening. This is one important reason that we must "display" the truth that we preach. People have grown tired of mere words. "Our use of the Bible is analogous to our use of language. We indwell it rather than looking at it from the outside. But for this to happen it is clear that this 'indwelling' must mean being part of the community whose life is shaped by the story which the Bible tells"(Lesslie Newbigin). In other words, what we preach has to be made visible! WHAT THEY 'SEE' IS WHAT THEY 'GET'!
The Christ message must be preached and "lived out"...clearly! Graham Johnston in his book "Preaching To a Post-Modern World" states, "It is essential that the preacher not fall into the trap of being wishy-washy with a watered down message. People who have tired of uncertainty will be seeking straight answers". This generation is swift to recognize whether or not the message matches the life. They are not afraid of our doctrine...if our lives match what we say we believe. I am proposing that the apostolic church is poised to be the recipient of this generation's gaze. Let us recognize the need to "shew forth" this glorious gospel. This generation needs to see a church on fire, filled with the Holy Spirit and excited about what has brought us out of darkness. There is no need to be intimidated about our faith, our doctrine, our separation, our worship or our service to the Father. Square your shoulders, hold your head up, step out and demonstrate God's provision and love. It is the only way that this generation will receive it.
Labels: acoustic alchemy worship, apostolic, c myles young, Church on fire, faith, generation, graham johnston, Holy Spirit, lesslie newbigin, post-modern, preaching, pure religion, separation, Worship
posted by Myles Young at
10:02 AM
Saturday, December 5, 2009
the anonymous
Just a quick note in response to an "anonymous" visitor. They took issue with me using a quote from Gergen. I am well aware of who he is and while I do not endorse him I did appreciate the quote. He has been quoted by several that are espousing "new church" philosophy. I used the quote in response to those that are walking away from relationships with friends, family and sadly even away from commitments that have long been apart of relationships with God.
Thanks for dropping by the blog, I hope that it makes you think.
posted by Myles Young at
9:58 PM
Friday, December 4, 2009
Carnival Christianity

I have been amazed lately at how quickly people walk away from what has been so dear to them. I have watched men & women walk away almost callously from their families. I have watched as people removed themselves from the friendships that took years to establish in just a few moments. Even sadder is to see people throw truth away under the guise of spiritual freedom. Experts tell us this is part of the "post-modern" mentality. If it is then my heart is broken for the coming generations that will feel the negative effects of such temporal decisions of the present generation.
There seems to be a blurring of reality. This is why the "virtual world" that the internet provides has become so popular. It is reported that social networking has now replaced pornography on the internet as the most used activity. People are creating "pseudo-relationships" with people from the past and with total strangers, people they would never even be interested in talking to in a real-time relationship. This blurring of reality makes the mind "...a switching center for all the networks of influence"(Jean Gaudrillard). This generation is being bombarded by many influences but is failing to maintain strong personal distinctives and the result is a blurring of truth.
Kenneth Gergen states that in the present condition of "decentered self", confusion will reign and "without external standards and without internal standards there is only cynicism, panic and freefall"(The Saturated Self").
When the moorings that have held generations strong are pulled up...long term commitments become a thing of the past. "Instead of long-term commitment, the postmodern self just moves onto the next game, to the next show, to the next relationship"(Middleton and Walsh) "This is the nomadic self, on the road with the carnival"
I am watching spiritual carnival teams start up very often these days. Their well decorated "carny" buses pass me by on their way to yet another empty lot in the seedy part of town. Bright lights, party music, cotton candy sermons (lot of fluff & color but not much nutrition) and a different crowd every night. Nomadic ministry....their christianity is a journey searching and chasing. It seems to be the new cool trend to be "searching" but "finding" is totally out of date.
I guess this is why I see so many "Rolling Stones"....just walking away... They see themselves as pioneers but sadly they just seem to be "wondering nomads" moving from tent to tent.
Labels: c myles young, decentered, internet, Kenneth Gergen, media, ministry, networking, nomadic, pornography, post-modern, Saturated Self, self, social, virtual world
posted by Myles Young at
4:31 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kids and Disneyland

Have you ever noticed that a child's excitement is contagious? This past weekend I was at a party with several young couples and their small children. All of us adults were talking and laughing and having a good time when 2 little girls came running over to me. They had just returned from Disneyland and they wanted to tell me all about it. In just a few moments we were all caught up in the sweet joy of their description of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. I watched the beaming smiles of the parents as their kids told the tales of the trip to Disney.
This week I have been thinking about the joy that our Heavenly Father must get when we tell others about what He has done for us. The sincerity and openness of those 2 cute kids touched all us that were gathered around. No wonder Jesus said "Suffer the little children to come unto me" and "except you become as a little child...". I experienced firsthand the power of a child's made me want to drive to Anaheim and take my family to Disneyland!
Lord, I pray for simple child-like faith and sincerity that brings a smile to your face.
Labels: baptism in Jesus name, c myles young, child-like faith, disneyland, donald duck, excitement, joy norris, mickey mouse, suffer the little children
posted by Myles Young at
12:12 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Love On Display

Last night was a night I will not soon forget! I saw and felt an incredible heart moving response to the needs of others by the wonderful people that God has allowed me to pastor. I told the story of the the "Good Samaritan" with some supporting scriptures concerning sharing what we have received with those that have need. In a way that I cannot describe the sweet presence of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Our bus ministry director (Jennifer Pelton) had presented the church staff an opportunity to help the 170 children that ride the bus every Sunday. At the conclusion of my message, I presented the opportunity to TRC...I was blown away. People surged to the front to adopt a child from the bus. We all committed to pray, love and give them a gift this year for Christmas, but also to build a relationship with these children.
I could not hold back the tears as I thought about the love that was being displayed last night.
James 1:27
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
Labels: bus ministry, c myles young, children, Christmas, fatherless, Fervent Prayer, good samaritan, jennifer pelton, love, pure religion, trc
posted by Myles Young at
9:40 AM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I am sitting in a coffee house this morning drinking my "sugar-free vanilla soy latte"(I miss my carmel frap)...and I started looking around. The paintings in this place are pretty weak. Probably done by local art students or bought at one of those summer sidewalk art sales downtown. Besides that 1/2 of them don't even make sense....oh well, I guess that's "post-modern" art.
Is it just me or have any of you ever wondered if coffee shop managers go to a class on buying/playing terrible music. Wow! pretty bad this morning! Some of these singers should have kept their day job...oh that's right...they never had one!
I am looking at a chinese tree of some sort (my botany skills are a little lacking) that has been used to decorate the little sitting area next to a huge sign advertising lottery tickets. This is some quality decor!
But....I am here! And there has been a steady stream of people coming through the door. They make a good cup of joe and they are friendly folks.
Just thinking about the business of the kingdom. It may not be the fanciest or best decorated church in town, the music may not be the most cutting edge of the latest worship project from some weird haired praise band....but the real deal is "CAN YOU GET JESUS THERE"?
Jesus is the thing that they are looking for and the only way they will see him is through you. So make them feel loved, give a smile and handshake, and let them see how much you love Jesus and their will be a steady stream of folks coming "taste and see that the Lord is good"
Labels: artist, can you get jesus there, coffee shop, decor, downtown
posted by Myles Young at
9:34 AM
Monday, November 30, 2009
Have Some Fun!

I hope your Thanksgiving was a great one, mine was. Now we are off and running down the last stretch toward Christmas and the New Year. Don't blink you will miss it as time seems to be running fast. During this season why not take advantage of time with your family. Get out of the house and do something fun. Even if it is different than what you normally do, just do something. Get off of that couch....get off of my blog and go have some fun with your kids! As evening was approaching on Thanksgiving I grabbed my son and his cousins and we headed to the school yard down the street for some street ball. We laughed, we argued, we sweated and we scored! But the best part was that we were doing something together.
Go have some fun and love your family!
Labels: c myles young, Christmas, family time, thanksgiving
posted by Myles Young at
12:16 PM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Well it is time for turkey! Can you believe it? This year has flown by (in spite of all the storms of life). Wow, where did time go? For many of us, today is a preparation day (Wed) for the big spread tomorrow. Trips to the grocery store and work in the kitchen. Here at home I am getting ready to make my "Pineapple Cake" and some "strawberry bread" (and what ever else I decide). Tomorrow we will sit down and partake of the bounty that comes from living in this the greatest nation on earth (to quote Michael Medved). I have been privileged to travel around the world and after seeing and going I have come to this one conclusion... WE ARE BLESSED! So while we are partying, laughing and eating let's remember, we could have been born in a place with no hope, no help and no future. Celebrate with family and friends but while the party is going on, tell somebody how thankful to God you are for his favor in your life
Labels: c myles young, celebrate, greatest nation, hope, pineapple cake, storms, strawberry bread, thanksgiving, turkey, USA
posted by Myles Young at
12:12 PM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Have you ever wanted to visit the land of Israel and walk the same paths of Holy Scripture? Well, you can make it happen. Come go with me! My good friend Ron Walls and I are returning to Israel in November 2010. We will be leaving the USA on Nov 2. If you are interested in joining with us call my office 916-689-7625. The contact person is LeSharon. All of you E-group guys (and wives) give us a call and get your name of the list. Pastor Wilmoth and other pastors are going to be joining with us as we take this journey through the pages of the biblical past. There is no better guide than Ron Walls (this will be his 57 trip to Israel).

I promise you, it will impact your life forever. I went 2 years ago and I wish I could go back every year. That how much I enjoyed it.
Don't wait, start the process of planning now. Don't get old and wish you would have gone!
(Picture is of "Caesar Hotel" in Tiberias, on the Sea of Galilee, where we will be staying)
Labels: bible, bible study, BJ Wilmoth, c myles young, holy scripture, Israel, jerusalem, leSharon, ron walls
posted by Myles Young at
9:46 AM
Happy Birthday
Shout out to my sis'. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love you and hope this is a great day for you.
posted by Myles Young at
8:58 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
Book of Isaiah - My Personal Devotion

In my personal devotion and Bible study I am studying the book of Isaiah. The deeper I have gotten into this book the more sobering it becomes. The first 3 chapters provide the sad account of Jerusalem's moral and spiritual collapse. I guess what is so sobering is to see so many similar trends taking place all around us. The new issues are really not new at all but God's people have struggled with these things since the days of the Isaiah. I know this is not a fun filled post this morning but my heart is stirred. As I drove through the streets of a city with no apostolic church and prayed for the Lord of the Harvest to anoint us to accomplish His will, I couldn't help but think how much of the harvest is being missed because the laborers can't figure out who they are.
Instead of work be accomplished in the vineyard...there is fighting at the cottage about how the vineyard should kept.
Maybe tomorrow my latte will stir me to joy and excitement, but today this Pastor's heart is heavy with the reality of where so many are headed.
May God help us all!
Labels: apostolic, bible study, c myles young, Church, Isaiah, jerusalem, lord of the harvest, rock church, trends, vineyard
posted by Myles Young at
1:15 PM
Monday, November 9, 2009
Evening of Worship
It's Monday morning and I am sitting in a little indie' coffee house enjoying my sugar-free vanilla, soy latte and reminiscing about last night's "Evening of Worship" at TRC. The place was packed, the music was pumping and there were guest everywhere. Before it was over the Holy Ghost was so thick you could almost cut it with a knife. It was a night of remembrance for all of us here at TRC. When it was all over we hung out in the coffee shop and fellow shipped with choir and guest that had come. There was a family that had never been to our church before who came up and introduced themselves with these huge smiles on their faces. After we exchanged pleasantries they brought their older teen-age daughter over and the dad told me that she had just received the Holy Spirit baptism. I turned to introduce myself to her and as I did I thought, something different was happening here! When she opened her mouth to speak to me, I instantly understood. She was still caught up in the Holy Spirit....She could not speak in English. The family was ecstatic with joy and all the young lady could do was smile and rejoice in tongues. This was 30 minutes after the service had ended. WOW! What a God! There is nothing like a sovereign move of God's presence.
I want to give a big shout out to our Minister of Music - Ben Vandiver. Thanks to you and the music team for a job well done.
Thanks to "VISION" for coming and ever more singing up in TRC! We love Gerry & Genny Mallory and Matt & Tishana Jones"
Also, we were privileged to have Evangelist Barry Claiborn in the house. Thanks for sharing with us..."To be convincing, you must be convinced"
Last but not least, to all are the greatest church on this planet....LOVE YALL BUNCHES!
posted by Myles Young at
10:59 AM
Thursday, November 5, 2009

To all my friends in the lovely state of Washington, I am headed your way! Looking forward to being in Spokane on Friday night and Saturday. It is always a privilege to be with Pastor Rick Mayo. If you don't know the Mayo's you are missing out. He is truly an "End-Time Cat" (His famous line from years gone by). We are going to have a Holy Ghost time! Send up a prayer that I can be a blessing to all those that are coming to the youth conference. If you are in the area, then drop by.
posted by Myles Young at
8:57 AM
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Alabama, Here I Come!

Well, It has been a while since I posted anything on my blog. I am sure you have struggled through in my absence! LOL! To all my friends in Alabama, I am headed your way. I am pumped about being a part of the Dedicatory celebration in Cullman, Alabama. Pastor Greg Wilbanks and the Eva/Cullman Pentecostals have recently completed an incredibly, beautiful new sanctuary and I am privileged to be one of the speakers at the dedication. I look forward to seeing all of you that are able to join us. I am thrilled to be headed to "Bama" (that's big coming from an LSU boy!).
p.s. I am taking my bow, pray I get a "bama-buck"!
Labels: Alabama, Bama, c myles young, cullman, Dedication Services, elk grove ca, eva, Greg Wilbanks, LSU, psalmist myles young, rock church, sacramento
posted by Myles Young at
12:13 PM
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hold On - Pastor C. Myles Young
Labels: artist, c myles young, elk grove, gospel, hold on, inspirational, leader, live recording, pastor, sacramento, Worship
posted by Myles Young at
12:45 AM